God designed all the parts of the body – both the church body and the physical body – to work together and function best through well-developed systems. A healthy church depends on eight systems operating at maximum performance. In fact, a well-designed S.Y.S.T.E.M. can Save You Stress, Time, Energy and Money.
Today you can pick up Nelson Searcy’s revised and expanded 8 Systems of a Healthy Church Ebook – a $23.95 value, yours for FREE! In this e-book you will get an understanding of all eight systems with practical insights that you can use to start making changes in your church for maximum health and growth this year!
01:37 – How Dan Henry started using THIS exact webinar strategy to pay off his huge IRS bill.
17:12 – The exact stories you SHOULD use inside of your webinar to convert your audience into buyers.
44:05 – How Dan's client went from charging $1,500 to charging $1-$3 MILLION dollar contracts.
Watch the end of this video to get Dan's funnel installed directly into your ClickFunnels account.
Nelson has updated each chapter of this comprehensive e-book with the latest insights. Plus, new chapters for Assimilation and Stewardship (the two biggest pressure points churches are facing today). Bonus addition – you’ll also receive Nelson’s Assimilation Ratio Calculator Worksheet so you can properly measure your current assimilation rate and determine RIGHT NOW how you are doing with keeping your first-time guests.
Plus you’ll hear from pastors who have been using the systems in their own churches. You’ll receive practical help as you lead your church to greater health and effectiveness.
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